First World War aviators from Abruzzi and Molise

These heroes of the sky

The book “First World War aviators from Abruzzi and Molise” has been introduced by the authors Antonio Di Gregorio and Alessio Meuti, both ex Officers for the Aeronautica Militare, historians, writers of several books and articles about aviation. The volume is illustrated with photographs, drawings and etchings by Mimmo Sarchiapone, and tells about the adventures of balloon flyers, observers and pilots coming freom Abruzzi and Molise, that were still one region in the early Twentieth century. Among the many aviators named in the bokk are celebrities like D'Annunzio, and other less famous ones like Tommaso Serafini, a student pilot fallen suring one of his training sessions.


More speakers have joined the meeting, like writer and poet Rocco Pagliani, actor and director Filippo Crispo, and General Gennaro Marcone whos is consultant for Heron Air, the airport's management company. There have also been some musical intervals with guitarist Andrea Dalla Zuanna.


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